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Coiled Nickel-Chromium Alloy Resistance Heating Wire

NIC60 and NIC80

Coiled Nickel-Chromium Alloy Resistance Wire | NIC60 and NIC80

Coiled Nickel-Chromium Alloy Resistance Wire

36,19 NIC60-010-125-25

  • Pre-Coiled Heater Wire, Ready for Use
  • 60% Nickel, 16% Chromium Wire for Applications to 1000°C
  • 80% Nickel, 20% Chromium Wire for Applications to 1150°C
  • Excellent Corrosion Resistance
Wire: Thermocouple, RTD, Thermistor and Hook-Up - View related products


Omega nickel-chromium alloy resistance heating wire is available coiled for ready use. Coiled heating wire is used in many high-temperature applications, including electric furnaces, radiant heaters, and air heating.

NIC80 is an alloy of 80% nickel and 20% chromium and represents the highest standard in materials for use in elevated temperature environments. It is useable at temperatures up to 1150°C.

NIC60 contains 60% nickel and 16% chromium, with the balance iron, and can be used up to 1000°C. It is the most commonly used wire in electrical heating applications.

Both of these alloys also provide excellent corrosion resistance.

NIC80    NIC60
Composition: 80% Ni, 20% Cr
Resistance: See table below
Density: 8.41 g/cm³
Melting Point: ≈1400°C
Nominal Coefficient of Linear Expansion: 0.000017 (10 to 1000°C)
Nominal Temperature Coefficient of Resistance:
0.00011 Ω/Ω/°C (20 to 500°C)
Tensile Strength (kg/cm²) at 20°C:
Hard Drawn: 14,060
Soft Annealed: 7,030
  Composition: 60% Ni, 16% Cr, 24% Fe
Resistance: See table below
Density: 8.25 g/cm³
Melting Point: ≈1350°C
Nominal Coefficient of Linear Expansion: 0.000017 (20 to 1000°C)
Nominal Temperature Coefficient of Resistance:
0.00015 Ω/Ω/°C (20 to 500°C)
Tensile Strength (kg/cm²) at 20°C:
Hard Drawn:
Soft Annealed: 6,680

NIC60 and NIC80 Dimensions and Resistance at Ambient Temperature
AWG Wire Dia.
Wire CSA
OD of
Compacted Coil
mm ±10%
Turns/25mm 25 mm Compacted Length
When Fully Extended
per 25mm of Coil
@ 20°C
NIC()-040-250 18 1.0 0.82 6.4 25 418 0.580 0.558
NIC()-032-250 20 0.81 0.52 6.4 31 538 1.176 1.132
NIC()-032-188 20 0.81 0.52 4.8 31 389 0.841 0.810
NIC()-025-250 22 0.64 0.32 6.4 40 119 2.545 2.450
NIC()-025-188 22 0.64 0.32 4.8 40 521 1.843 1.775
NIC()-020-156 24 0.51 0.20 4.0 50 541 2.966 3.000
NIC()-020-188 24 0.51 0.20 4.8 50 671 3.711 3.574
NIC()-020-125 24 0.51 0.20 3.2 50 419 2.319 2.233
NIC()-015-125 26 0.40 0.13 3.2 66 579 5.760 5.546
NIC()-012-125 28 0.32 0.09 3.2 83 749 11.556 11.128
NIC()-010-125 30 0.25 0.049 3.2 100 917 20.322 19.570
NIC()-010-093 30 0.25 0.049 2.4 100 663 14.681 14.138
NIC()-010-062 30 0.25 0.049 1.6 100 414 9.189 8.849
enter 60 for 60% Nickel, 16% Chromium; 80 for 80% Nickel, 20% Chromium wire

Current Characteristics*
AWG Wire Dia.
NIC80 Coiled Wire (Amps) NIC60 Coiled Wire (Amps)
425°C 540°C 650°C 760°C 875°C 1100°C 425°C 540°C 650°C 760°C 875°C 1100°C
18 1.0 5.41 6.93 8.48 10.41 12.48 16.70 5.20 6.65 8.14 10.00 11.92 16.03
20 0.81 3.72 4.84 6.01 7.44 8.96 12.20 3.56 4.64 5.77 7.15 8.60 11.71
22 0.64 2.48 3.15 3.84 4.93 6.13 8.81 2.39 3.03 3.69 4.74 5.89 8.46
24 0.51 2.05 2.59 3.13 3.82 4.55 6.07 1.96 2.47 3.00 3.67 4.36 5.83
26 0.40 1.50 1.93 2.37 2.87 3.39 4.47 1.44 1.86 2.28 2.76 3.26 4.29
28 0.32 0.93 1.22 1.51 1.87 2.26 3.09 0.89 1.18 1.45 1.80 2.17 2.97
30 0.25 0.63 0.82 1.02 1.32 1.64 2.38 0.62 0.79 0.98 1.26 1.58 2.28
* Showing approximate current in amperes necessary to raise a coil of arbour diameter 3.2mm to a given temperature,
when stretched twice the close-wound length in open air.

Popular models are listed in the "To Order" table. Use the "Part Number Builder" below to get pricing and to order all available combinations.
Place Order(Specify Model Number)
Part Number/Desc.
Availability: 2 weeks
60/16 resistance cable 1mm dia, precoiled in 6.4mm O.D. coils. 7.5 metres long
Availability: 4 weeks
60/16 resistance cable 0.25mm dia, precoiled in 1.6mm O.D. coils. 15 metres long
Availability: 2 weeks
80/20 resistance cable 1mm dia, precoiled in 6.4mm O.D. coils. 7.5 metres long
Availability: 4 weeks
80/20 resistance cable 0.64mm dia, precoiled in 4.8mm O.D. coils. 15 metres long
All amounts shown in EUR
Ordering Example: (1) NIC80-010-125-200 0.25mm diameter 80% nickel/20% chromium alloy resistance wire, precoiled to 3.2mm O.D. coils. 60 metre reel length, €245,69

Part Number Builder

Build Your Part Number Below
Option Descriptions:

(1) Wire Type select from:
NIC80 for 80% nickel/20% chromium alloy resistance cable
NIC60 for 60% nickel/16% chromium alloy resistance cable

(2) Wire Diameter select from:
040 for 1mm diameter
032 for 0.81mm diameter
025 for 0.64mm diameter
020 for 0.51mm diameter
015 for 0.4mm diameter
012 for 0.32mm diameter
010 for 0.25mm diameter

(3) O.D. of Compacted Coil select from:
250 for 6.4mm coil dia.(>= 0.64mm dia wires only)
188 for 4.8mm coil dia.(0.81 & 0.64mm dia wires only)
156 for 4mm coil dia.(0.51mm dia wire only)
125 for 3.2mm coil dia.(<=0.51mm dia wires only)
093 for 2.4mm coil dia.(0.25mm dia wire only)
062 for 1.6mm coil dia.(0.25mm dia wire only)

(4) Wire Length select from:
25 for 7.5 metres
50 for 15 metres
100 for 30 metres
200 for 60 metres
Note: All combinations may not be valid, check spec sheet for valid part numbers.
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