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Temperature and Process Controllers and Power Switching Devices

PLC's, HMI Industrial Controls
PLC's, HMI Industrial Controls
Programmable logic controllers and industrial controls for your automation needs. VIEW PRODUCTS »
Controller Selection Guide
Controller Selection Guide
Find and compare controller specifications to find the right one for your application. VIEW PRODUCTS »
Autotune Controllers with Programmable Multicoloured Display
Autotune Controllers with Programmable Multicoloured Display
Quickly identify various output readings with these digital faced controllers/meters, with programmable colors. VIEW PRODUCTS »
1/32 and 1/16 DIN Autotune Controllers
1/32 and 1/16 DIN Autotune Controllers
A variety of 1/4, 1/8 and 1/16 DIN microprocessor controllers with a wide range of sizes and functions. VIEW PRODUCTS »
1/8 DIN Autotune Controllers
1/8 DIN Autotune Controllers
A selection of 1/8 DIN Autotune Controllers with various options and special functions. VIEW PRODUCTS »
Family Series of Autotune Controllers
Family Series of Autotune Controllers
Choose your meters/controllers by family for an overall range of functions with a consistant look and operation. VIEW PRODUCTS »
1/4 DIN Controllers
1/4 DIN Controllers
A selection of 1/4 DIN Controllers with various options, functions and styles. VIEW PRODUCTS »
Benchtop and Wallmount Controllers
Benchtop and Wallmount Controllers
Wall mount and benchtop controllers offer more functionality at your fingertips. VIEW PRODUCTS »
Multi-loop Controllers
Multi-loop Controllers
Control and operate multiple zones with one device. Choose from multi-loop controllers designed for different applications. VIEW PRODUCTS »
Safety Limit Controllers
Safety Limit Controllers
Prevent catastrophic damage, safety limit controllers are designed with a wide range of options and control functions to fit your application and budget needs. VIEW PRODUCTS »
SCR's, SSR's, Contactors and Power Controllers
SCR's, SSR's, Contactors and Power Controllers
Complete or interrupt a circuit electrically with no moving parts, quick and easy. Solid-state relays are offered in many styles and sizes. VIEW PRODUCTS »
Temperature Switches and Low Cost Controllers
Temperature Switches and Low Cost Controllers
Simple and economical temperature controllers and switches. VIEW PRODUCTS »
Meter and Controller Accessories
Meter and Controller Accessories
Everything you need to install a meter/controller - buzzers, brackets, covers and more. VIEW PRODUCTS »
Rugged NEMA enclosures for housing instruments and systems. VIEW PRODUCTS »
Power Products
Power Products
Fuses, transformers and circuit breakers for all of your power protection needs VIEW PRODUCTS »
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