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Process Measurement and Control Instruments

Process Controllers and Meters
Process Controllers and Meters
PID controllers, panel meters for measurement and control of most process signals. VIEW PRODUCTS »
Industrial Process Timers and Timer Controllers
Industrial Process Timers and Timer Controllers
Industrial timers for processes requiring a timed controlled output. VIEW PRODUCTS »
Batch Controllers and Rate Indicators
Batch Controllers and Rate Indicators
Frequency meters, totalizers, flow indicators and batch controllers. VIEW PRODUCTS »
Digital Multimeters(DMMs)
Digital Multimeters(DMMs)
Handheld multimeters for measurement of most electrical signals. VIEW PRODUCTS »
Infrared Thermometers and Pyrometers
Infrared Thermometers and Pyrometers
Non-contact infrared temperature measurement instruments. VIEW PRODUCTS »
Ethernet/Internet Measurement Instruments
Ethernet/Internet Measurement Instruments
Measure process signals through the Ethernet or internet. Turn a PC into a Virtual Chart Recorder. VIEW PRODUCTS »
Signal Conditioners and Transmitters
Signal Conditioners and Transmitters
DIN rail mount signal conditioners and two-wire temperature/process transmitters. VIEW PRODUCTS »
Wireless Communication
Wireless Communication
Connect temperature sensors to an instrument wirelessly. VIEW PRODUCTS »
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